is happy to announce the results of our


Flash Fiction Competition



Fiction Factory

As usual, the quality of entries was impressive.Choosing the winner was no easy task but here, after much deliberation, are the choices of our Judge,


Angela King

Angela is a writer and tutor. She holds a Master of Creative Writing from the University of Auckland. Her story’ Stargazer’ won the 2023 NZ Society of Authors’ Graeme Lay Short Story Competition and she is currently working on another novel. Here is her choice:


Winning Stories


1st place:  “Living Space” –  by Elizabeth Taylor

2nd Place: “Irving Hammerman” –  by Julie Weary

3rd place: “Another Bottle of the Eighty-One”  –  by Kevin Cheeseman


Other Short Listed Stories


“No Place Like Home” by Jaime Gill

“Strange Birds over B74 ”  by Julie Murray

“A Lover’s Guide to the Beach and Beacon Trail” by KahliScott

Long Listed Authors
The Conquest of Dreaming Anders Ross
Moonseed Andy Stewart
Workmate Chris Cottom
Colours Donna Macauley
Hallucinations Elizabeth Taylor
Living Space Elizabeth Taylor
Sarah, Sarah Dawson Emily Kirkpatrick
Take the Long Way Home Ilan Adler
Striking the Balance Jacqueline Winn
No Place Like Home Jaime Gill
Trouble Town Jim Gleeson
Red Cardigans Everywhere Jo Cora
Wheels on the Bus Jo Bryant
Silent Hidden Places Julie Murray
Strange Birds over B74 Julie Murray
Irving Hammerman Julie Weary
Family Room Julie Weary

A Lover’s Guide to the Beach and Beacon


Kahli Scott
Another Bottle of the Eighty-One Kevin Cheeseman
On Millbridge Ward Lisette Abrahams
Prudence Gaffney Says Michael Freundt
Shoemanship Mike Woodhouse
Unwelcome – Suella’s Refrain Nargis Lal
Cell Mates Pamela Morrison
Hoc est enim Pamela Scobie
The Cry Penny-Anne Beaudoin
Birthday Wish Rosa Li
The First Gunfight Shiela Gove
I Killed Dylan Thomas Zoe Robinson



Congratulations to all our contestants!